Today as I work from home and notice that our weather is similar here in Jersey City as Vancouver, I thought a stay at home round up was in order. I'm admittedly not used to the rain anymore since Montreal and New York/Jersey City don't get nearly as much as Vancouver. So, you don't have to tell me I'm a wuss for staying inside. I know I am. So, these are the items I'm currently dreaming about having on my person simultaneously.
All local links. -A full pint of Ale in a Willowcraft pint mug. Again, no judgement please ;) It's 2pm here! Also, if Robyn had her whiskey cups posted that would be my drink of choice. Instead I'm drinking Earl Grey tea like a normal person, but a girl can dream that mid-day drinking could be sustainable, right?! -This silk, natural dyed lap quilt by Hope Chest Quilts. Isn't it gorgeous?! And that's the back! -Andrea Rangel's lovely prototype of her Tokul design. -A Pair of Love Jules Leather Show Co's sexy custom kicks. That's right, I'd wear these in the house. At least until I got up the courage to expose them to Vancouver rain. Sigh, so sexy. |