2-ply dog hair yarn and knitted swatches by Lisa Horvath About a month ago I received an email from someone who was looking for a local spinner to spin her dog's hair into yarn. It was somewhat of a strange request (but believe me not the strangest I've received via VY). Actually, I've heard it is not uncommon for people to have their pet's fur or hair spun into yarn as a keepsake after their passing. I'm not sure if this was the circumstance in this case, but in any case I found an eager and willing spinner, Lisa Horvath, who just happens to be the person that we featured as our monthly blogger this May. Click here for more pics on her blog. Lisa has done other custom spinning orders like this one where she spun 2-ply yarn out of sewing thread thrums.
Janna 6/20/2012 08:45:43 pm
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